Wilde Does Stuff: Simple DIY Upcycled Cereal Box Paper Organizer

Cereal Box Organizer by Wilde Designs

Stuck inside during quarantine, we’re all looking for ways to organize our spaces and make them more comfortable. Unfortunately budgets are tight and materials are limited. The good news? Neither of those things will stop you from creating a Cereal Box Paper Organizer.

This hack/tutorial/idea was originally posted on my old blog, but I’m finally moving it over here. It’s the simplest of all possible things to do:

  • Get some boxes. Cereal boxes are great if you’re looking for a paper organizer, but if you’re working with something smaller, you can always snag cracker boxes or something even tinier. Sky’s the limit!
  • Double sided tape, spray adhesive, or something else to stick the boxes together and keep them from shifting around while you work on the outside.
  • Duct tape (my covering of choice for durability and ease), fabric, paper, etc. to cover the outside of the boxes.
  • Once the boxes are stuck together, simply cover the exterior, making sure you get the front edges too to give them a cleaner look. I chose Duck Tape in my brand color.
  • If you want to go especially fancy, add in some extra support in the form of another layer of cardboard between the boxes that’s stiffer.

This organizer can help you (or your virtually learning kiddo) get organized before the new school year. It may not make work more fun, but it will be more functional.

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1 thought on “Wilde Does Stuff: Simple DIY Upcycled Cereal Box Paper Organizer

  1. […] ממיין דפים מקופסאות קורנפלקס. כשהוא עומד על הצד הוא יכול להתאים גם למיון מכסים של קופסאות פלסטיק. פשוט לחתוך את הקופסאות באורך הרצוי, לחבר אותן. ולכסות בנייר אריזה או טפט. לאתר המקור לחצי כאן […]

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